Now Doth the Citie Remaine Solitarie - Music of the English Reformation

21st February 2024, 1pm

Keble College Chapel, Oxford

The opening concert of the acclaimed Keble Early Music Festival of 2024.  

Salve Regina à 7 John Sutton (fl. Late 14th century)
Ave Verum Corpus William Byrd (d. 1623)
O Sacred and Holy Banquet – Thomas Tallis (d.1585)
Laboravi in Gemitu – Thomas Weelkes (1576–1624)
Now Doth the City – John Amner (1579–1641)
De Profundis à 5 – Josquin DesPrez (d. 1521)
Prevent us, O Lord – William Byrd (d. 1623)
Mater Christi John Taverner (d.1545)